MissioN S.M.I.L.E

MissioN SMILE is an investor education initiative where we help our users understand and identify the important fundamental factors & business characteristics that drive a particular company or industry that we cover each month. Other than this we also have 3 other offerings which are:

Guest Webinars: MissioN SMILE format webinars conducted by guest speakers including renowned investors.
SSS ki Pathshala: Webinars focused on investing metrics and important fundamental concepts like RoE, Debt, etc.

 Investing कारवां: Interviews with renowned investors exploring their investing philosophy and their journey so far. This amounts to over 200 pages of research and over 50 hours of content. We also provide our users with access to our Investing Research & Discussions Slack channel where we promote and brainstorm discussions regarding anything and everything investing and provide our users with a forum to discuss and share whatever research and ideas they may have.

Countdown to the next webinar










In Depth High Quality lessons on Long Term Investing Target Companies & Industries made by Smart Sync Services

Guest Webinar

Periodic Webinars by seasoned industry professionals outside Smart Sync Services

SSS ki Pathshala

Series of individual lessons & webinars dealing with the core topics of fundamental research.

Investing कारवां

Learning from The Journey of Smart Investors

"Be a business analyst , not a stock market, macroeconomics, or security analyst."


in this research offering from SmartSync,  we try to do the same.
Nothing more, Nothing less.

What to expect

Work done so far

MissioN SMILE : 26 Webinars + 15 Research Reports

Guest Webinars : 12 Webinars

SSS ki Pathshala : 4 Webinars

Investing कारवां : 11 Webinar

Leaders ka फ़लसफ़ा : 2 Webinar

About Us

Smart Sync Services is a SEBI registered investment advisory firm.
Our founders, Ankit & Akhilesh, between them have a combined investing experience of 25+ years. 
We have been sharing high-quality research content with retail investors for free.

This includes:
- 500+ quarterly results concall notes
- 150+ Twitter Threads
- 100+ 5-Min Stock Ideas
- 50+ Annual Report Notes
- 25+ Blog Posts, etc.

Our co-founder, Ankit's research ability has been recognized by Morningstar India multiple times.
He has also won the SafalNiveshak contest for best Equity Analyst 3 times.

MissioN SMILE is a platform where we want to step up our game and offer premium quality research to retail investors at an affordable price.

Contact Us at ankit.k@synconic.in or at +91 99789 88562

For More Information on Smart Sync Services you use the following links:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will I get Buy or Sell Recommendations?

We strongly maintain that we are an investor education platform and we will never be giving you buy or sell calls. Rather we are here to promote the understanding of the fundamentals of the business or sector that we are covering to provide a complete picture to our users.

Will the content here be available for download?

All the content here will not be available for download as it is proprietary information. But you will have 24/7 access to all the content on this website according to your package for the entire duration of you subscription.

Is there any refund policy?

Sorry but we are not providing any refunds for any subscriptions. But you can always reach out to us to give us feedback so that we can become better.

What happens if I miss a live webinar?

Missing a live webinar is not a big problem. Although you may not be able to ask your questions to the host directly, you can send us your queries regarding the topic in hand in advance if you are unable to make it to the webinar. Also the full recording of the webinar will become available for viewing 24-48 hours after the webinar so you can browse through whenever you are free.

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